Steven - Foraging for scrap at age 6; now a driver and a Coach.

Stephen’s testimony speaks volumes about how investing in young people with good character and leadership potential is such compelling work! The education opportunities Stephen was afforded played an important part in his breaking the poverty cycle.

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“My name is Stephen Mutuku Mushoki. I am the first born in a family of two boys and three girls. I come from a humble family in Mukuru slum of Nairobi. This slum has got more than five hundred thousand dwellers that are poor. Life in this slum is not easy; open sewerages, trash, contaminated water, insecurity, prostitution and malnutrition is the normal way of life here.

“I started schooling while I was five years old. My mother, who is a single mother, could not afford paying our school fees when I reached grade two while my brother was in Nursery. We survived on one meal per day. In the midst of all these problems, my mother gave birth with some complications and therefore was unable to sustain the family. I started scavenging for some old pieces of metal in the garbage. After selling the metals, I used the money to feed the family.

“Life changed when Sports Outreach staff visited our family and encouraged us by sharing the gospel and praying for our needs. After two weeks, we received good news that we had been offered a chance in Sports Outreach Academy where feeding program was being carried out courtesy of Sports Outreach. The Academy was like a rescue centre where we were being given breakfast and lunch as our caregivers shared the gospel and other activities like football and volleyball. Later on the Academy started offering basic education. Even though we did not have uniforms, we were allowed to continue schooling.

“Teachers at the academy were caring and determined to restore our hope for a greater future. I accepted Christ as my personal savior and my life changed! I realized that I was no longer the same Stephen I used to be, my world view was different. I found solace and comfort in the Lord.

“We were the pioneer candidates and we sat for our exams in November 2020. I passed the exam by topping the class. My mother told me that she was not able to support my secondary education. I was in a dilemma but I was always encouraged by my favorite verse Jeremiah 29:11 which says, ”For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you but to give you hope and a greater future.” His promises are always Yes and Amen.

“When form one students started joining secondary schools, God did another miracle. One of the evenings, Sports Outreach director Pastor.Juma and Coach Josephat visited us and delivered the great news. I was one of the students who had been selected to join the EMPOWERME Child Sponsorship Program. They bought all the school requirements and paid my school fees. I worked hard in secondary school and sat for my form four, Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education (KCSE) exam in November 2017 and passed.

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 “I also benefited from different activities that were being carried out by the program. Apart from growing spiritually, I was trained to play chess and I managed to represent our school and SOM Chess Academy in tournament and won several awards both in Nairobi region and National championship. In addition, after I had mastered the activities I enjoyed other activities like table tennis, guiding and counseling, Vocational Bible Study among others. I always enjoyed encouraging my colleagues by sharing the word, training chess, guiding and counseling in order to grow responsibly.

“In 2018, I opted to join driving school by the support of Sports Outreach. After three months of training, I sat for my final exam and qualified to be a driver. Currently, I am working as a driver in Kajiado town.

“As a good learner, I also became a mentor just like my teacher Josephat. His kindness and mentorship skills have got no comparison. From my days in primary all the way to college, he was more than a father to me. I promise to follow his footsteps by giving back to the community through mentorship programs for the youth, library services, provision of clean water etc.

“Apart from driving, I love music and am looking forward to becoming an instrumentalist. I have already learnt how to play piano and drums. I will also train on how to play a guitar and saxophone. My vision is to use music as a tool of reaching out to different people especially in the slums and spread the word of God to them and support them financially if possible. Additionally, with the music I will be able to serve my God diligently and amicably.

“I am thankful to Sports Outreach for your able support that transformed my life from a nobody and restored my hope of achieving the best in life. It’s my humble prayer that God protects you and your families from this Covid19 pandemic and grant everlasting peace of mind that surpasses human understanding.”