
“Sports ministry is an important means that in various Christian entities allows reaching out through the different sports disciplines to those who possibly would not otherwise open their ears to listen to the Word of God and their hearts to the Good News. It allows an approach to souls in need through the coaches who are committed to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. It lets them reach athletes of all kinds, super specials, amateurs, professionals, and from all strata, through what they so much enjoy-SPORTS.”

— Humberto Alférez, Director


our work

Nuevo Cuscatlán is a developing community near the capital city. There is increasing wealth there, but not in the many slums in the community.

The needs are so great! So many opportunities to share the Gospel and build into the lives of vulnerable young people. Humberto and his team serve over 100 slum children and their families with sports-focused programs, practical training, food assistance and discipleship.

The team has introduced its work to pastors in Guatemala and Honduras, where there are now small sports ministry programs started.


The team’s work includes:

  • a soccer academy, and partnerships with schools to provide physical education training

  • a weekly chess program

  • monthly food assistance for families

  • regular handcraft workshops 

  • English language classes

  • physical education at a nearby orphanage for severely handicapped children


2,189 people participated in our El Salvador programs in 2023!

This is a uniquely focused ministry in a unique place. Will you help us continue it?